Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Be Still

God has been dealing with me for about a year about Psalm 46:10- "Be Still and Know that I am God." Have you ever thought much about that one?
I am not much for being still. All my life I've been on the move. Besides being generally hyper, my mind has about 16 different ping-pong balls inside of it constantly bouncing around in different directions. Every day I'm on the go-taking the baby for long walks in the morning, working out while the baby naps in the afternoon (I love Tae Bo) and sometimes even taking the dogs for walks in the evenings. Even then, it takes a pretty heavy cocktail of medications to knock me out to sleep at night and shut my brain off.
Be active? That's my thing. Be still? Not so much.
But I don't know how many times in the past year God has spoken to my heart to "Be still."
I'm learning, but the past few weeks I'm having a hard time with that.
I'm learning to not worry anymore, to hand things over to God. Learning to take time to take naps, to take more time out to do things I think are fun, to just play.
The other part of the "be still" is "Know that I am God
That's the fun part (much more fun and interesting than trying to be still.)
I have been reading books about God and Jesus, and learning to listen more closely to God.
Yesterday I got some great books that I recommend to anyone who would like to get to know Jesus more and learn more about God and His ways:
Jesus, Man of Joy by Sherwood Wirt, Just Give Me Jesus by Anne Graham Lotz, and His Name is Jesus by Max Lucado.
Joyce Meyer also has some incredible CD set teachings on God that I've listened to over and over again: The Character of God (sorry, couldn't find the link), a DVD called God is Faithful and True, and Be Still and Know that I am God.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to say that I've been following your Tweets and reading some of your posts. You are a very good writer, with insights to life that are helpful and very interesting..
