Saturday, March 21, 2009

The Needs God Meets

Last night I was in the 1st row at a private Michael W. Smith concert. It was mostly praise & worship music-- my favorite thing to do. I can't think of anything, next to sleeping, that I enjoy more lately, than good worship.
I've been a fan of MWS since about 1987. Been to a bunch of his concerts. This is the closest I've been, although I've ached to get in the 1st row for years. It was a long wait, but worth it. Last night I got to be just a few feet away from all the action for more than 2 hours. The music was mostly from his newest album, A New Hallelujah. It felt like God was taking time to just listen to me sing to Him. Soaking up my praise and love to Him, and appreciating my hands being lifted high in honor to our God.

On the way home by the way, my car broke down. Thankfully, I had just gotten out of the city. I was determined to not let the devil steal my joy from leaving the concert. And doubley- thankful, getting my car fixed today cost about 1/4 what I was imagining it would, and the mechanics kept it only a few hours instead of a few days. I think the blessings from the concert carried over to my automobile last night.

While I was sitting up front (did I mention Mr. Hottie was only about 10 feet away?) it occurred to me that just about a month ago I mentioned to my husband how I wished Michael W. Smith would come to our area and do another worship concert. I needed one, and he wasn't going to be in our area until August--and even then, it wasn't going to be worship. But I NEEDED worship time with God. Not just the private worship I have with God, with my iPod or my car stereo, but corporate worship, together with the body of Christ, and hopefully a few guitars and drums. And even better, Michael W Smith up front.

Its funny what needs God will meet. Even last month when I felt that need for a worship concert coming up in me, God (and the people at W____ Church) were already planning a concert that I didn't know about until this Tuesday.
There are all sorts of things that I think I need. Stuff I think will make me happy. More things. Having certain people in my life. More money. A new car. Some new clothes. A raise. Weather that is endlessly 82 degrees and sunny.
Will God provide those things? Maybe. Maybe some of them, maybe all of them, in his timing. He wants His children to have good things. God is good and He is love, and he loves to pour out a blessing.
But God knows what I TRULY need. Time with Him is something I think we can count on Him providing when we seek Him. And that was something I was really needing--and God was happy to provide. Even wrapped in the blessing of a front row seat at the concert of my favorite singer which I've been waiting for since 1987.

1 comment:

Michelle's Day said...

HOW EXCITING!!!!! Front row seats to your favorite artist! And the answer to prayer for worship -- GREAT!