Thursday, May 21, 2009

This is the day the Lord Has Made

I absolutely love this time of year where I live. The middle/end of May is the most beautiful time of year. It could partly be because as someone who spent from 1976-2008 in school as a student and teacher I associate the end of May with summer vacation. But its also when we have the MOST incredible weather. Even though I am no longer a teacher or student, this time of year is still bringing up grateful & good feelings for me.
I have a long (one hour) drive to work through city traffic each morning. But I love how the air feels. I love how the air LOOKS. The sun begins to come up: bright, clear. The sun is warm, not too hot when it comes up, a big round ball of yellow that looks like a bouncy ball. There is just that bit of haziness in the air, that isn't too bad yet-- in the heat of summer it will feel heavy, oppressive, and make me feel lazy. But right now it is just right. Its energizing, not....lazy-fying. The air smells doesn't smell like smog or heat, it smells like people mowing their grass, like the wildflowers that line the highways. Its still cool enough in the mornings to roll down my windows and let the morning air in. In another month, it will be too hot to do that. But right now, its just perfect out. One of the things I like to tell God is "I like how you did that" [one of my leftover preschool teacher phrases ;) ] when I see his creations. "God, that's an amazing sky you made this morning." "I like how you did those clouds." "I like how you're so creative." Sometimes it feels like God makes these mid-May mornings just for me.

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