Monday, July 26, 2010

Finding God Everywhere

Been frazzled the past few weeks. Busy, tired, downright exhausted, and not sleeping too well. Then I went on vacation to visit my family, and also spent a few days on a getaway with my husband. And wouldn't you know it? Amidst all the family chaos and noisy kids and busy-ness, I not only found some relaxation and fun, I also found God everywhere I went.

God was in the bright, colorful glass in the treehouses I played in at
the San Antonio Botanical Gardens, where I was amazed by the beauty
of sun and light and bright colors.
God was in the sound of the water at the lake,
the memories that finding sea glass brought up
at one of our old family picnic spots.

God was in the joy I found watching my
niece and nephew help pick vegetables in
the garden on a peaceful summer morning.

And even in the total weirdness of
meeting a rooster who was
raised with people, who thinks he is a person.
I have never met a rooster who hangs out with
other people and not with the other chickens.

God was in the gentleness I witnessed when the
mama sea lions took care of their babies at Sea World.

God was in the joy my husband and I had exploring
nature and His Kingdom, and being amazed at all
the creative things that God's people do to express themselves.
I didn't go on vacation intending to find God. I went on vacation intending to get a little sleep and hang out with my family a bit. Get away from it all. Funny how He just sneaks up on us like that, isn't it?


Belle said...

What a beautiful blog. Thanks so much.

Anonymous said...

I love this post and the pictures are great. Thanks for sharing! :-)

Anonymous said...

Glad you can see God everywhere ! - Meiyi

Michelle's Day said...

i haven't been on the computer for quite a while obviously or i would've read this and commented last week when you wrote it! anyway -- SO glad your vacation was great! your outlook seems to be really positive -- praise God for His goodness and love and constant care of you!!!