Tuesday, August 17, 2010

He's Got the Whole World in His Hands...and me too.

A friend sent me this devotional today from something called the Daily Word, and it was just what I needed to hear. Ever have a word from the Lord show up that was just perfect timing? This was something I really needed to hear tonight-- so I thought I'd share it in case anyone else needed it today:

Wherever I am, God is and all is well.
When I feel threatened, I may feel a certain level of fear or anxiety. I may react by searching frantically for someone or something to help me. But there is a better way. In times of fear, I have faith that nothing can harm me, because I am in the midst of the presence of God.
God is within, without, above and below, an all-encompassing presence. It does not matter how chaotic outer conditions may seem, I am secure in the presence of God and I maintain inner peace and composure.
When I have a tranquil mind, no inharmonious experience has any power over me. I walk unalarmed in the midst of danger and bring peace to those who are afraid.
Our soul waits for the Lord; he is our help and shield.--Psalm 33:20


Michelle's Day said...

That's good! God has been telling me in the middle of all life's chaos and disappointments lately -- WAIT. Wait on God. He sees the whole situation and HE'LL work it out just right. JUST WAIT! and hope and trust

Toyin O. said...

He keeps those whose mind are on him in perfect peace! Great blog!
